Hello. Thanks!
Цитата:And can I add a WYSIWYG editor for easy editing of pages. and how?
WYSIWYG, look images:
Просмотр медиа-файлов и переход по ссылкам доступен только для Участников Форума! Вы нуждаетесь в
Цитата:Do you have any documentation on how to make a new template for the site. Or ready template for version 2.6 because I tried version 2.1 template for the flowers but it did not, maybe the structure is different from version 2.6 and 2.1.
CMS File: ./index.php Код: // ##########################
// ##########################
$version = 'v2.4'; // Version Einplac CMS
$version_date = '2011.04.18'; // Date version
$directory = './files'; // Content folder
$directory_template = './template'; // Template folder
$type_files = '.txt'; // Content type files
$upload_folder = './images/'; // Image upload dir
$upload_max_size = '3000'; // Max size Kb
$upload_file = 'jpg|png|jpeg|gif'; // Allow file
$cookie = 'einplaccms'; // Cookie name
$cookie_time = '86400'; // Login time (1 day)
$edit_content = 'dblclick'; // dblclick or click or mouseover
$multi_lang = 'off'; // Multilanguage: off or en,lv,ru,de
$range_ip = 'all'; // Allow admin IP: 'all' or IP or IP1,IP2,IP3
$salt = '4rGe35ktY'; // Key: Enter here you text 5-10 symbol (Delete password.php)
// ##########################
// ##########################
Template Files: ./template/*.tpl Код:<?php echo $title; ?> Example: <title><?php echo $title; ?></title>
<?php echo $keywords; ?> Example: <meta name="keywords" content="<?php echo $keywords; ?>" />
<?php echo $description; ?> Example: <meta name="description" content="<?php echo $description; ?>" />
<?php echo displayEditLibrary(); ?> Display JS libary for edit pages.
<?php echo $slogan; ?> Adding an editable block description of the site.
<?php echo displaySectionContent('1'); /* Duplicated on each pages: MIN:1, MAX:5. Individually on each page: MIN:6, MAX:9 */ ?> Adding an editable block of site.
<?php echo displayMainContent(); ?> Page content.
<?php echo displaySettings(); ?> Admin options.
<?php echo $lstatus; ?> View: Login/Logout.
<?php echo $copyright; ?> Adding an editable block copyright of the site.
<?php echo $version; ?> View CMS version.
Цитата:Sorry for my bad English, I'm from Bulgaria.
По-добре се пишат на Български.