Вчера около 2 часов ночи, перед сном зашел проверить почту на inbox.lv. За 5 дней в ящике накопилось около 15 писем, 70% как обычно спам. В последнее время большинство писем с английскими названиями/темами не читая сразу удаляю в корзину. Этот раз не был исключением, пометил практически все английские темы с неизвестными отправителями ии - СТОП! В последний момент щелкнул на приговоренном к удалению письме "Hello" - казалось бы типичное спамерско письмо, но оно чем-то заинтриговало. Открываю, читаю его и расплываюсь в улыбке. Пишет на английском девушка 22 лет. Пишет что нашла несколько моих фото на inbox.lv, что я ей безумно понравился и очень хотела бы сомной познакомится. Hello My name is Nina. a 22 yrs old girl . I am average in height and fair in complexion ,am a loving, romantic and caring angel. I read your profile. truely is quiet intresting to me then , i deciede to contact you. i really want to have a good relationship with you. Beside i have a special something i want to discusse with you , so your can reach me through this Email: ([email protected]) Hope to hear from you soon. i will send my beautiful pictures to you and also tell you more about my self. I know age will not be a bearier to our relationship, what i need is just your love and caring. I will give you my best, bye for now. contact me from here ([email protected]) care from Nina From profiles.inbox.lvБыстренько что-то ответил и пошел спать. А сегодня от нее приходит вот такое письмо: Hello Dearest Heart I thank you very much for honoring my invitation,like i told you before age or distant can't deny any good love,i hope that this my mail find you in good health dearest heart. my name is miss Nina Jonson dabah from Liberia,i live my country because of the evil men that killed my father when he was about to have a dinner with his colleagues in abroad and he travel with some of his friends to a conference meeting in united kingdom Belfast London;and they thought that the man will loose everything about his carear since that I'm the only daughter and also the only child in my family,my mum died in Spain when she was battling a sickness called heart failure in the year2005,while my late father died in 4June2006 he only gave my mother a year before he gave up the ghost,please dearest heart let this my life history touch your heart,that was how i became an orphan in my life,i loose my parents and everything about my family is now a thing of the past,my late father was a good business man who has many investment in my country home Liberia,but I'm still a little girl who is about 22 years old now, the enemies that killed my father is after my life and i rum away from my country to a near by country here called Senegal where I'm now as a refuge, i need a gentle man who can be sincere to me who will love me and be truthful to me,that was the reason why i came acrose to your profile and i was very much move by what i found in your profile, and all my heart told me that you are a god fearing some one who can stand for the truth to show me a real love, dearest heart i have a lot to tell you because what i found in you make me to be very much interested in you,i have all my father documents here with me,also his account in abroad,which is in London bank,i have all the documents that proof all this that I'm telling you now honey, Please i have not told anyone except you and the Reverend about the existence of this and i will like you to please keep it secret to other people because since it is (MONEY) all eyes will be on it. Remember i trust you dearest heart that is why i am giving you all this information! my love is for you and you alone,i will like to hear your voice please,just call me with this number ( 00221-6928-027 )It is our reverend pastor telephone,If you call,please ask of me, I have informed the bank about my plans to claim this money and the only thing they told me is to look for a foreign partner who will stand on my behalf due to my refugee status and the laws of this country.You will have 20% of the total money for helping me and the remaining money will be managed by you in any business of your choice while i go back to my studies. In this regards i will like you to contact the bank immediately with the information i will give to you soon after you get back to me ,tell them that you are my foreign partner and that you want to know the possibilities of assisting me transfer my 3.7 million dollars deposited by my late father which i am the next of kin to your account in your country.Remember to give me a call through this number( 00221-6928027 ) Then all i need now is your full contact information,such as number,country of origin and also your bank information if there is any, i want you to Contact them in london ask them to transfer the 3.7 million dollars deposited by my late of which i am the next of kin.to your account, i have maped 20% for your assistance dearest haert AM glad that God has brought you to see me out from this situation and i promise to be kind and will equally need you in every area of my life including investing this money since i am still too young to manage it.i am just 22yrs...Я его обрезал, ато слишком длинное было. 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